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FASM Membership Application

Complete this application form each year to match your renewal payment.

All fields with a * must be filled in.

E-transfers (preferred) sent to

Cheques made out to "FASM" mailed to 820 Childs Drive, Milton, ON, L9T 4J2

Contact Information:

Type of Application:*

Choose only one
New Member
Lapsed Member

Membership Type:

Choose only one:
Regular Membership $55
Senior (65+) Membership $45
Student Membership (valid student card) $45
Family Membership $85

If you are applying for a Family Membership, please include the names below:

Event Participation:

We have many events and opportunities for our members to meet with their peers, to increase their skill levels, to benefit from other artists' knowledge, and to experience and generally enhance their love of art.   We welcome non-artists to join FASM as well and participate in the "behind the scenes" activities.

Choose all that interest you:

Choose all that interest you:

Volunteers are Vital for Success:

Volunteering is an integral part of our organization, without which we could not exist and provide the many enjoyable events and activities. Please indicate the activities you can assist with.

In which areas would you like to help? Choose all that apply:

In which areas would you like to help? Choose all that apply:

How might you want to help? Choose all that apply:

How might you want to help? Choose all that apply:

Do you have any comments or concerns? Jot them in the space below:

Membership Agreement:

I agree to support the goals of the Fine Arts Society of Milton, and to abide by the decisions made by the Board of Directors and General Membership. I acknowledge that this application, if received after Oct. 15th will be applied to November, December, and the following calendar year up to December 31st.

I agree to allow FASM to use images of my work, shared with FASM, and to be used in digital and print material for use of promotion of the organization and events.

I agree to submit a photo of myself to be included in the Artist Directory on the website.

NOTE: A newsletter is sent to members once or twice a month, as are emails to communicate important information to members regarding upcoming Workshops, Events, Exhbitions, and more. As a FASM member, you will be sent these emails. If you DO NOT wish to receive any emails, check the box below:

Method of Payment:*

Payment Type
Interac E-transfer to (preferred)
Cheque mailed to 820 Childs Drive, Milton, L9T 4J2, made out to "FASM"

In each case, indicate in the message area which type of membership the amount is for (i.e. Regular, Senior, Student, or Family). Please send your payment as soon after you have submitted your application as possible.

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